Version Polish Update!

Hello again! Moth to the Moon remains loved by its fans (as well as myself), so I recently compiled a list of small details that I could polish up in a brief update. There are no changes here that impact the gameplay, but I did fix one visual issue with the exit door resetting its animation every time it finishes riding a conveyor belt (as you can see in the GIF above) as well as one particular softlock on floor 49 that wasn't triggering the usual automatic fail state. While I was at it, I realized that two of the game's sound effects were on the loud side, and their volume has been adjusted so they don't stick out quite as much from the rest of the game's audio.

I just love fixing all these really tiny and obscure imperfections as they turn up...


  • Two specific sound effects have had their volume levels rebalanced to be more in line with the rest of the game's audio.
  • The text guide's summary of the game controls has been rewritten to be more concise.
  • A visual issue that caused the exit door to play through its "opening" sprite animation again whenever it finishes a ride on conveyor blocks has been fixed. There's no reason to drop the exit on a conveyor belt in any of the game's levels, but maybe you could design a custom level in which it is necessary...
  • A very convoluted and goofy way to produce a softlock on floor 49 is now accounted for and results in an automatic fail state, which is a phenomenon that can occur when a crucial item is lost or destroyed. If you end up discovering the softlock in question, you are a truly incredible player!

Files 9 MB
Oct 06, 2023

Get Moth to the Moon

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